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New Connection

Persons Authorised to Apply

​​​​Connection application shall be made by the resident of the place of use that is requested to be connected to the distribution system, natural and legal entities with ownership of the place of use or natural or legal entities authorised by these. The applicant who requests electrical energy allocation shall personally follow up and conclude all transactions, contracts and other actions with our company. In case they appoint a person as an agent, a notary certified letter of attorney which includes all the required authorisations shall be submitted.​

Document Requirements

Documents required to be submitted for the Connection Application are indicated as follows in the article 10 of the Regulation Regarding Electricity Market Connection and System Utilisation titled Connection Application:

  • Natural and legal entities who wish to apply for connection to the distribution system shall apply to the distribution company located in the relevant distribution region.
  • The applicant requesting connection as part of the first article shall submit the following documents to the distribution company;
    • Title deed registry and approved electricity project,
    • For the ones located within the zoning area, occupancy permit according to the articles 30 and 31 of the Law No. 3194 Regarding Zoning dated 03.05.1985,
    • For the ones located within village settlement areas and their vicinity as well as arable fields, occupancy permit according to the articles 27 and 30 of Law No. 3194 Regarding Zoning,
    • For the ones located outside the zoning areas and village settlement areas, occupancy permit to be obtained from Provincial Directorates of Environment and Urbanisation,
    • For the places of use which do not require license, the permit to be obtained from the relevant authorities as part of the regulation,
    • License to be obtained for the places as part of Law No. 6292 Regarding Development Support for Forest Villagers and Utilisation of the Places Taken Out of the Forest Limits in the Name of Treasury As Well As Sales of the Agricultural Lands Belonging to the Treasury dated 19.04.2012,
    • For construction site connection at the buildings under construction and/or for permanent connection at these buildings, building license obtained as per the provisions of the Law No. 3194 Regarding Zoning,
  • ​In case the Institution requires in written form as part of the pre-licensing process, the opinion about the distribution system connection of the legal entity wishing to connect to the distribution system and to conduct electricity generation activities by using the distribution system shall be prepared in line with the provisions of this Regulation, Regulation Regarding Electricity Market Licenses and Regulation Regarding Electricity Market Distribution. Distribution company prioritises production facilities depending on domestic coal, renewable energy sources and other sources respectively in preparing connection opinion and connecting to the system. In other cases, actions are taken according to the application queue, provided that there is no other special provision in the energy market regulation.
  • Natural or legal entities who wish to procure electrical energy for a limited time through a temporary connection to the distribution system with the purpose of utilisation shall apply by submitting their electricity projects and their license required for the purpose of utilisation.

(As per the provisional article 11 of the Law No. 3194, having obtained building license and having been built according to this license is not required for the buildings constructed before 12.10.2004. For the buildings constructed between 12.10.2004 and 26.7.2008 with building licenses and which are constructed according to these licenses, electricity may be connected temporarily until the occupancy permit is obtained, provided that one of more of the infrastructure services such as road, electricity, water, telephone, sewerage, natural gas are documented to be brought in the area, that all the technical requirements are met in line with the relevant regulation and that an application is made to our company. Accordingly, the connection shall be cut off in case a request is made to our company from the relevant municipality to cut off the electricity.)

In addition, the conformity certificate to be obtained from the inspection authority shall be submitted for the buildings subject to building inspection as per the Law No. 4708 Regarding Building Inspection before signing the Connection Agreement, the conformity certificate to be issued by the relevant engineer shall be submitted for the buildings that have been built/are being built by public institutions or organisations which are not subject to building inspection, the conformity certificate to be issued by the distribution company shall be submitted for other buildings which are not subject to building inspection (buildings which are not subject to license as per the article 27 of Law No. 3194 and detached buildings with maximum two storeys except the basement floor which do not exceed two hundred square meters in total built on a single lot) while installation check approval document to be issued by the distribution company, Earthing measurement form, completion of work document, Provisional acceptance certificate (for transformer, field distribution box and grid poles built by third parties) shall also be submitted.​

Connection Contract

​​​​Connection contract including ownership, rights of use and connection terms is signed, provided that energy permit has been given and all the required documents have been submitted. Connection contract remains in effect as long as the facility and equipment connected to the distribution system at the address indicated on the connection contract remain in place and new connection contract shall not be signed in case of user change at this facility. Connection fee shall be paid to AYEDAŞ by the applicant.  Connection fee charged as part of the approved tariffs shall be collected from the users connecting to the distribution system just for once during the signing of initial connection contract and it is non-refundable.​​

Power Change

In case the connection power increases more than 20% at the facilities belonging to the consumers other than residential subscribers, they apply to our company within 7 business days together with their renovation projects. The renovation project is reviewed by our company and the response based on the results of the review and the basis for implementation is given to the customer in written form within 15 days. In case the increase in connection power brings any kind of cost with it, actions are taken as per the relevant regulation and the costs associated with the actions are collected from the customer. Connection contract is revised to include the actions taken. The customers who fail to fulfil this obligation shall be subject to the relevant regulation provisions associated with the illegal electricity consumption

Energy Permit

Energy permit involves the designation and determination of the connection point for the demanded energy for any kind of building, facility or for temporary needs (construction site, fair, expo, etc.) as well as the cross-section and standards of the cables/conductors for a time limited with 180 days as the validity period.

Special Application Documents

The following are the special applications and their descriptions other than the documents required to be submitted in the connection application:

  • In energy permit requests, letter of application for energy permit shall be submitted including the date requested for the connection to the grid along with the contact information such as address, telephone, email,
  • In the connection application, building license shall be submitted, if the building is not subject to building license, a document obtained from the relevant municipality shall be submitted to certify that the building is not subject to license
  • If the applying facility will use electricity with the purpose of agricultural irrigation, water utilisation permit obtained from State Hydraulic Works (DSI) or the relevant Water and Sewerage Administration shall be submitted
  • Permit obtained from the competent authorities (governorship, district governorship, municipality, etc.) shall be submitted for places such as fairs, expos, etc.
  • Certificate to be obtained from the competent authorities shall be submitted for the activities such as mining, drilling, etc.

For the customers who signed System Utilisation and Connection Contract with TEİAŞ to change their contracted power, signed and wet stamped information forms for all applicants who request power over 1250 kVA are required as per the Distribution Regulation's article 6/4.​

Inquiring Authorised Electricians List

